An Overview of Internal Capsule Stroke

Symptoms, Causes, Recovery

An internal capsule stroke can cause profound weakness in one side of the body. The internal capsule is a region in the brain, and a stroke that affects the internal capsule causes characteristic symptoms.

This article will discuss the function of the internal capsule, the symptoms and causes of an internal capsule stroke, and what recovery can look like.

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What Is the Function of the Internal Capsule?

The internal capsule describes a region deep in the brain that functions as a communication pathway. The internal capsule allows communication between areas of the cerebral cortex and areas of the brainstem. These connections are made possible by the pathways of the internal capsule and are necessary for physical movement and perception of sensory information.

The biggest job of the internal capsule is working as a relay station for the body’s motor function. This means that the internal capsule is necessary for arm, leg, trunk, and face movement. The right side of the internal capsule transmits nerve signals for movement of the left side of the body and the left side of the internal capsule transmits nerve signals for movement of the right side of the body.

While the internal capsule is primarily involved in movement, it also acts as a relay station for sensation on the opposite side of the body. The internal capsule is described as ‘white matter’ because of its appearance under a microscope. The internal capsule is located in the subcortical area of the brain beneath the cerebral cortex.

What Are the Symptoms of an Internal Capsule Stroke?

An internal capsule stroke can cause arm, hand, leg, or foot weakness, described as hemiparesis or hemiplegia. You might have some strength left in the affected area (hemiparesis) or you might not be able to move it at all (hemiplegia). An internal capsule stroke may also affect the movement of the muscles in the face, making it difficult to chew, swallow, or speak clearly.

Because the internal capsule is a pathway connecting nerves that control your sensation in addition to your motor function, an internal capsule stroke can cause you to lose some or all sensation in the affected arm, leg, or face.

Many important pathways run through the internal capsule, so a relatively small internal capsule stroke can cause severe weakness or sensory loss.

If you have had an internal capsule stroke, it can usually be visualized on a brain MRI or brain CT scan within a short time after the stroke. However, because internal capsule strokes are small, sometimes they are not clearly apparent in brain imaging studies, even when they cause profound symptoms.

What Causes an Internal Capsule Stroke?

An internal capsule stroke is caused by an interruption of blood supply in the middle cerebral artery (MCA) or one of its small branches.

An ischemic internal capsule stroke is caused by an embolic blood clot coming from elsewhere in the body and blocking one of the small branches of the MCA. A stroke in this area is called a lacune or lacunar stroke.

An internal capsule stroke may also be caused by a thrombotic blood clot developing within one of the small arteries that supply oxygen-rich blood to the internal capsule. An embolic stroke or a thrombotic stroke usually occurs when cerebrovascular disease or heart disease develops after years of stroke risk factors.

A hemorrhagic stroke can also affect the internal capsule and may be caused by the same risk factors as ischemic stroke, such as hypertension and smoking.

Outcomes and Recovery

The vast majority of internal capsule strokes are not fatal, and most people experience some degree of recovery. Most of the time, internal capsule strokes do not cause severe swelling or seizures that are associated with strokes in other regions of the brain.

After an internal capsule stroke, you may continue to experience weakness of one side of your body, and you will likely experience some degree of improvement with physical therapy and stroke rehabilitation, although recovery is variable between one stroke survivor and another.

Usually, after a stroke of the internal capsule, you should expect to have a medical evaluation to see if you have any stroke risk factors. If this evaluation identifies stroke risk factors, such as smoking, heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, or a blood disorder, your healthcare provider may recommend some changes in your lifestyle or prescribe new medications.


An internal capsule stroke occurs in the internal capsule—an area of the brain involved in motor function and sensation. You may experience arm, hand, leg, or foot weakness; difficulties using facial muscles to chew, swallow, or speak; and sensory loss.

An internal capsule stroke is often considered a small stroke. Internal capsule strokes rarely lead to life-threatening consequences. However, they are important warning signs of stroke risk factors. Controlling stroke risk factors with medication or lifestyle changes significantly reduces the risk of stroke.

It is also important to note that a history of stroke is a significant risk factor for having another stroke in the future, so it is essential to be evaluated thoroughly and in a timely manner by a healthcare provider if you feel you may have had a stroke.

If you or a loved one experiences a sudden onset of sensory loss or weakness on one side of the body, quickly call 911. There are medications available that can help to reverse the effects of a stroke if they are evaluated in time at the hospital or emergency room.

5 Sources
Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
  1. StatPearls. Neuroanatomy, Internal Capsule.

  2. Chowdhury F, Haque M, Sarkar M, Ara S, Islam M. White fiber dissection of brain; the internal capsule: a cadaveric study. Turk Neurosurg. 2010 Jul;20(3):314-22.

  3. Stanford Medicine. Internal capsular stroke.

  4. Buompadre MC, Arroyo HA, Group S. Basal Ganglia and Internal Capsule Stroke in Childhood—Risk Factors, Neuroimaging, and Outcome in a Series of 28 Patients: A Tertiary Hospital ExperienceJournal of Child Neurology. 2009;24(6):685-691. doi:10.1177/0883073808330163

  5. Harvard Medical School. Lacunar stroke.

Additional Reading
Heidi Moawad, MD

By Heidi Moawad, MD
Dr. Moawad is a neurologist and expert in brain health. She regularly writes and edits health content for medical books and publications.